■ Change the ink cartridge
When the ink cartridge of the pen runs out, replace it with a new
cartridge. You can buy ink cartridges refills at local office supply
retailers. Use only ink refills that are ISO 12757-1 D1 compliant and use
blue ink.

G e t t i n g s t a r t e d
Only replace the ink cartridge when it is empty. Removing the cartridge
can damage its tip. If you attempt to reuse a cartridge with a damaged
tip, it may leak.
1. Take off the pen cap.
2. Insert the ink cartridge tip into
the hole in the cap clip.
3. Tilt the cap slightly clockwise,
and pull the cap clip to take out
the ink cartridge.
Dispose of the ink cartridge
4. Insert a new cartridge into the pen, and gently press the cartridge tip
against a supplied notepad to secure it in place.